Khao Sok Nation­al Park and its sur­round­ings are home to a great range of tours and activ­i­ties. From camp­ing trips, jun­gle sur­vival cours­es, her­p­ing expe­di­tions, to remote hikes and trips beyond the nation­al park. We organ­ise both group and pri­vate tours to accom­mo­date any requirements.

Pro­vid­ing unique expe­ri­ences tai­lored to your needs and expec­ta­tions is our key pri­or­i­ty. If you can­not find what you are look­ing for, or you are cau­tious about your time sched­ule, please get in touch with us. Our friend­ly team will assist you with find­ing and organ­is­ing the best tours in Khao Sok.

For those who are inter­est­ed in mul­ti­ple Khao Sok activ­i­ties, we high­ly rec­om­mend you to check our tour packages.



On this chal­leng­ing jun­gle hike you will trek through the more remote parts of Khao Sok Nation­al Park. Lose your­self deep with­in nature and see which of the parks inhab­i­tants you can find along the way.

Herping / Bird watching


Explore the beau­ti­ful jun­gles of Khao Sok nation­al park in search of your favorite ani­mals. Our expe­ri­enced her­p­ing / bird watch­ing guides will take you to the best local spots to find some of the amaz­ing crea­tures that call Khao Sok home. 


Start­ing from the Nation­al Parks head quar­ters, your guide will show you along wind­ing paths through the beau­ti­ful bam­boo for­est deep­er and deep­er into the heart of Khao Sok. Learn about the amaz­ing flo­ra and fau­na that can be found here. if you are lucky you may even spot some.


Per­fect for those look­ing for a taster of the Jun­gle. Our Half Day Jun­gle Hike will show you along the trails of Khao Sok Nation­al Park. Keep your eyes peeled for the crea­tures of the for­est and take a dip in the refresh­ing waters of the Sok river.


The anciente land­scape scenery of Che­ow Lan Lake is guar­an­teed to leave you speech­less. Hope aboard a tra­di­tion­al long­tail boat and pow­er across the turquoise waters to the beau­ti­ful float­ing bun­ga­lows. Take a dip or grab a kayak and explore the amaz­ing surroundings.


Spend­ing a night out on the float­ing raft hous­es of Che­ow Lan Lake, sur­round­ed by tow­er­ing lime­stone cliffs and dense trop­i­cal jun­gle is tru­ly an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. Hike along an excit­ing nature trail before tak­ing a refresh­ing dip in the cool turquoise waters.


Explor­ing the jun­gle at night real­ly is quite a unique expe­ri­ence and by far pro­vides the best oppor­tu­ni­ty to spot some of the crea­tures that call Khao Sok Nation­al Park home. Grab your head torch and won­der off into the for­est on this excit­ing adventure.


What bet­ter way to dis­cov­er Khao Sok than with a tour com­bin­ing a small jun­gle hike, with a deli­cious, authen­tic Thai style cook­ing expe­ri­ence and an excit­ing night safari. Dive into nature with this ulti­mate half day, half night tour.


Get up close and per­son­al with the majes­tic Asian Ele­phant on our eth­i­cal Ele­phant expe­ri­ence. You will sam­ple a day in the life of a mahout, feed­ing, mud bathing and scrub­bing down your Ele­phant, before head­ing to the local Hot Springs to relax and unwind.


One of the best ways to explore Khao Sok and a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cov­er some of the nation­al Park’s wildlife is canoe­ing trip on the Sok Riv­er. Sit back and relax whilist your expe­ri­enced guide pad­dles you down the river.


Riv­er tub­ing is always a great expe­ri­ence to share with friends and fam­i­ly. Jump in your tube and float along the riv­er, swim in refresh­ing pools and admire the breath­tak­ing land­scapes. If you are lucky, you may also spot some of the parks amaz­ing wildlife.

Bamboo Rafting

Float­ing down the riv­er on a tra­di­tion­al bam­boo raft is an amaz­ing way to see this dras­tic land­scape. Sit back and relax as you cruise along the tran­quil waters. If you’re lucky, you may even see some of the amaz­ing wildlife that lives here.


Camp­ing is sim­ply the best way to get close to nature and expe­ri­ence the thrill of the jun­gle by day and night. This excit­ing tour takes you along wind­ing trails into the lus­cious rain­for­est, com­bin­ing a full day jun­gle hike with bam­boo cook­ing, night safari and camping.


Our tra­di­tion­al Thai cook­ing class takes you to a local fam­i­ly farm­house, which is locat­ed in a stun­ning­ly beau­ti­ful area with out­stand­ing views. with the veg­eta­bles and herbs you har­vest in the sur­round­ings of the fam­i­ly’s own organ­ic gar­den, dive into the open plan kitchen, pre­pare your ingre­di­ents and begin cook­ing your deli­cious meal. a tru­ly authen­tic experience…


Here we have put togeth­er some com­bined tour pack­aged to suit the sea­son. The Sea­son’s Spe­cial com­prise of a num­ber of Khao Sok favourites. Check them out for ideas of what a day in Khao Sok Nation­al Park can look like.