Overnight Camping Trip

Camp­ing is sim­ply the best way to get close to nature and expe­ri­ence the thrill of the jun­gle by day and night. This excit­ing tour takes you into the lus­cious rain­for­est, com­bin­ing a full day jun­gle hike with bam­boo cook­ing, night safari and camping.

Begin your hike at the park’s main entrance, make your way along wind­ing trails, through beau­ti­ful bam­boo for­est before lunch­ing at a peace­ful loca­tion. Con­tin­ue on your hike before arriv­ing at your camp­ing spot, set up camp, learn to cook using bam­boo and then head off into the night in search of fas­ci­nat­ing wildlife. Wake up and feel the calm­ing morn­ing atmos­phere of the jun­gle, have a whole­some break­fast, then set off back towards your point of ori­gin, and arrive back at the lodge at lunch time.

Luck­i­ly, our guides are skilled and expe­ri­enced enough to mod­i­fy and change the tour pro­gram if nec­es­sary due to weath­er con­di­tions or fit­ness of the group.

Included in the price

  • camp­ing Gear

  • guide

  • trans­port

  • 3 meals

  • drink­ing water

  • head torch (on request)

What to bring

  • hik­ing shoes or sneakers

  • san­dals or flip flops

  • small back­pack, head torch

  • swimwear, tow­el

  • change of clothes

  • sun pro­tec­tion

  • mos­qui­to spray

  • 200 Baht park entrance fee

Duration & Itinerary

  • 2 days, 1 night
Day 1
  • Depart: 09:00
  • Lunch: 12:00
  • Din­ner: 18:30
  • Camp: 21:00
Day 2
  • Break­fast: 07:00
  • Depart: 08:00
  • Return: 11:30

Price per person

  • 1 per­son: 4000 Baht
  • 2 or more: 2800 Baht
  • Chal­leng­ing ‹Deep› Camp­ing (dry sea­son only): extra 500 Baht


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