Accommodation in Khao Sok

Mon­key Man­sion Jun­ga­lows offer a cosy home away from home in the heart of Khao Sok Nation­al Park, one of Thailand’s largest and old­est vir­gin jun­gles. Delve into the com­fort of our Bun­ga­lows and sur­round your­self with untouched nature and wildlife.

Cozy Jungalow

max. 2 persons

low sea­son: 1000 Baht / night
high sea­son: 1300 Baht / night

sin­gle per­son occu­pan­cy ‑10%

Cheesy Jungalow

max. 3 persons

low sea­son: 1400 Baht / night
high sea­son: 1700 Baht / night

2 or 1 occu­pan­cy ‑10%

Family Jungalow

max. 4 persons

low sea­son: 1700 Baht / night
high sea­son: 2000 Baht / night

3 or less occu­pan­cy ‑150Baht

1 May — 30 June,
1 Sep­tem­ber — 31 October

1 Novem­ber — 30 April,
1 July — 31 August

Booking Request

Choose your Accom­mo­da­tion Category:

Inter­est­ed in Tours? Choose what you’re inter­est­ed in. We will offer you some tours accord­ing to your trav­el duration.

10 + 15 =