Herping / Bird watching

herping / bird watching

Khao Sok nation­al park is home to a large vari­ety of ani­mals, includ­ing many snake and bird species. If you hap­pen to be par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in find­ing these, you should not miss out on our her­p­ing / bird watch­ing tours. 

Depend­ing on the sea­son and your tar­get species, our expe­ri­enced guides will take you to the best local spots, where your chances of encoun­ter­ing what you are look­ing for are the high­est. We can obvi­ous­ly nev­er promise that you will actu­al­ly find every­thing on your list, but we can assure you that you will be in good hands… 

We also want to encour­age you to bring your own cam­era equip­ment to cap­ture these unfor­get­table moments.

Note: bird watch­ing and her­p­ing are two seper­ate tours. bird watch­ing takes place in the ear­ly morn­ing (guid­ed by a secial­ized bird­ing guide), her­p­ing takes place in the evening after sun­set (guid­ed by a spe­cial­ized her­p­ing guide). if you are inter­est­ed, please spec­i­fy which of these you would like to book…


Luck­i­ly, our guides are skilled and expe­ri­enced enough to mod­i­fy and change the tour pro­gram if nec­es­sary due to weath­er con­di­tions or fit­ness of the group.

Included in the price

  • spe­cial­ized guide
  • drink­ing water
  • trans­port

What to bring

  • hik­ing shoes
  • small back­pack
  • mos­qui­to spray
  • cam­era
  • flash­light (her­p­ing)
  • binoc­u­lars (bird watching)
  • 200 Baht entrance fee


  • approx. 5 hours

Price per person

  • 1 per­son: 1900 Baht
  • 2 or more: 1500 Baht 

Booking Request

Your Choice

Inter­est­ed in some oth­er Tours? 

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