Night Safari

Explor­ing the jun­gle at night is real­ly a unique expe­ri­ence. For those look­ing to see some of the amaz­ing wildlife found in the park, this is the tour for you.

Equipped only with a flash­light, a bot­tle of drink­ing water and a skilled guide, you will hike along the trails of the nation­al park, look­ing up in the tree’s for the crea­tures of the night.

What species you dis­cov­er is pure luck, but either way, walk­ing through the beau­ti­ful trop­i­cal rain­for­est at night is already an adven­ture itself.

Please note that if you pur­chase a tick­et to the nation­al park after 16:30, you will be allowed to use the same tick­et for the fol­low­ing day. So remem­ber not to throw it away after the tour.

Included in the price

  • expe­ri­enced guide
  • drink­ing water

What to bring

  • hik­ing shoes or sneakers
  • head torch
  • mos­qui­to spray
  • 200 Baht park entrance fee

Duration & Itinerary

  • approx­i­mate­ly  2 hours
  • Depart: 19:00
  • Return: 21:00

Price per person

  • 1 per­son: 1000 Baht
  • 2 or more : 600 Baht

Booking Request

Your Choice

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