Elephant Experience and Hot Springs

On our Ele­phant Expe­ri­ence you will have the unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to real­ly get in touch with the Asian Ele­phant. We have cho­sen the Ele­phant Camp care­ful­ly and have helped design­ing this eth­i­cal pro­gram. For the Mahouts (Ele­phant care­tak­ers), and every­body involved in run­ning the ele­phant camp, the ani­mals wel­fare will always be more impor­tant than the vis­i­tors› satisfaction.

Our pro­gram is designed to make this encounter as enjoy­able and inti­mate as pos­si­ble for every­body, for you and for the ele­phants. 

You will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­pare some spe­cial ele­phant food and to feed the gen­tle giants as an intro­duc­tion. After that, you will have a mud bath with them, which is kind of an Ele­phant Spa treat­ment, as it is ben­e­fi­cial to their skin and they appear to enjoy it a lot. After the mud bath, you will walk down to the riv­er togeth­er where the mud will be washed off and you can brush your new friend and play togeth­er in the fresh riv­er water.

After leav­ing the Ele­phant Camp, you will con­tin­ue your tour to the local hot springs. The man-made pools are filled with nat­u­ral­ly heat­ed water. It just puts a per­fect end­ing to an adven­tur­ous day!

Ele­phant tourism is a very dif­fi­cult top­ic. we have cho­sen the ele­phant camp care­ful­ly. In our opin­ion it is the best camp around Khao Sok. But that does not mean that there is no room for improve­ment. If you have any sug­ges­tions, ques­tions, or if you are inter­est­ed in talk­ing about the gen­er­al sit­u­a­tion of ele­phants in Thai­land, please share your thoughts with us. The tour is kept short on pur­pose in order to keep the stress lev­els of the ele­phants as low as possible.

We do not sup­port ele­phant sad­dle rid­ing, because the ele­phants spine is not build to car­ry weight. If you are, how­ev­er, sit­ting on the ele­phants neck, the front legs are eas­i­ly capa­ble of sup­port­ing your weight and it will not hurt the animals.

What is included

  • trans­fer
  • drink­ing water
  • snack
  • 50 Baht entrance fee to the hot springs

What to bring

  • swimwear, tow­el
  • san­dals
  • extra mon­ey for sou­venirs at ele­phant camp (option­al)

Duration & Itinerary

  • 3 hours
  • Depart: 09:00, 12:00 or 15:00


Price per person

  • 2 or 3 peo­ple: 1400 Baht (min­i­mum of 2 adults par­tic­i­pants required)
  • 4 or more peo­ple: 1300 Baht

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