Cooking Class

Our tra­di­tion­al Thai cook­ing class takes you to a local fam­i­ly farm­house. After a brief intro­duc­tion you will head out into the scenic gar­dens and har­vest all of the organ­i­cal­ly grown ingre­di­ents required to make a selec­tion of tra­di­tion­al Thai dish­es. With veg­eta­bles and herbs in hand, dive into the open plan kitchen, pre­pare your ingre­di­ents and begin cook­ing your meal using tra­di­tion­al tech­niques. After tai­lor­ing the tra­di­tion­al recipes to your per­son­al taste, sit down along­side your fel­low chefs and tuck into a mouth-water­ing meal of Thai cur­ries, stir-fry’s, omelette, banana flower frit­ters and much more. 

Please let us know upon book­ing of any food require­ments and allergies.

We offer both lunch and din­ner class­es for this expe­ri­ence. For the lunch class you will depart around 09:00 and for the din­ner class you will depart at around 16:00.

As this tour is run by a local fam­i­ly, please let us know your inter­est well in advance so as we can assure availability.

Included in the price

  • instruc­tor
  • drink­ing water 
  • trans­port
  • all food

What to bring

  • cash to pay for drinks (option­al)


  • 3 hours
  • Depart: 09:00 or 16:00
  • Return: 12:00 or 19:00

Price per person

  • 1000 Baht (does not include drinks) 

Booking Request

Your Choice

Inter­est­ed in some oth­er Tours? 

9 + 5 =