Full Day Deep Jungle Hike

Our  Full Day Deep Jun­gle Hike will take you off the beat­en track and into more remote parts of Khao Sok Nation­al Park. Along the way you will pass through the area where the famous Raf­fle­sia Flow­ers grow and if you’re lucky you may even see it in full bloom.

For lunch you will break at a beau­ti­ful water­fall, relax and take a refresh­ing dip before con­tin­u­ing your hike.

After lunch, your guide will show you along the riv­er bed, whilst telling you all about the amaz­ing flo­ra and fau­na that can be found here.

This hike is only suit­able for active and adven­tur­ous nature lovers, who are look­ing for a phys­i­cal­ly chal­leng­ing hike. It involves some climb­ing, a riv­er cross­ing, and some steep elevations…

Please note that this trip is only pos­si­ble in dry sea­son (novem­ber — april). fur­ther­more, this hike is only suit­able for those who are look­ing for a sportive adven­ture. it involves some climb­ing, a riv­er cross­ing and hik­ing up steep moun­tains. con­se­quent­ly, we only rec­om­mend this tour to those who are in excel­lent phys­i­cal con­di­tion and don’t mind heights. for every­one else, the «nor­mal» full day jun­gle hike will like­ly be the bet­ter choice.

Included in the price

  • expe­ri­enced guide
  • lunch­box
  • drink­ing water
  • trans­port


What to bring

  • hik­ing shoes or sneakers
  • swim wear, tow­el
  • mos­qui­to spray
  • good phys­i­cal condition
  • 200 Baht park entrance fee



  • 6 — 8 hours
  • Depart: 08:30
  • Lunch: 12:30
  • Return: 17:00


Price per person

  • 1 per­son: 1900 Baht
  • 2 — 6 peo­ple: 1500 Baht


Booking Request

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