Adventure Package

For those look­ing for a chal­lenge and adven­ture, you’ve come to the right place. This pack­age is exact­ly what the name sug­gests, pure adven­ture, head into the jun­gle on a full day hike, spend the night out on the float­ing bun­ga­lows and dis­cov­er the nation­al parks wildlife on an excit­ing night safari. As with all of our pack­ages, the itin­er­ary is flex­i­ble and so can be changed to bet­ter suit your sched­ule, get in touch for more infor­ma­tion or cus­tom itineraries.

Included in the price

  • 2 nights at Jun­ga­lows, 1 night at float­ing bungalows
  • 3x break­fast, 3x lunch, 1x din­ner, drink­ing water
  • 3 tours (night safari, full day (deep) jun­gle hike, overnight lake trip (stan­dard group tour))

Not Included in the price

  • 200 Baht nation­al park entrance fee X 1
  • 300 Baht nation­al park entrance fee (lake) X 1
  • 40 Baht boat fee X 1
  • (maybe) 200 Baht for Klong Saeng wildlife sanc­tu­ary (only in case of coral cave hike as part of the lake trip)


  • Day 1: arrival + night safari
  • Day 2: full day (deep) jun­gle hike
  • Day 3: overnight lake trip (stan­dard group tour)
  • Day 4: return from lake trip + departure


  • 5600 Baht per adult, 2950 Baht per child under 12 years                 (based on a min­i­mum of 2 adults)
  • addi­tion­al 300 Baht per per­son for the DEEP jun­gle hike option

Booking Request

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